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Sports Teaching Videos


You will plan the content for the sessions of one sport in camp (skills to be taught and the games and drills to learn those skills), partnering with one of the other US student-athletes.

You will create videos explaining and demonstrating correct technique for the skills taught.  These videos will be shown to the kids in class, and will also help the Vietnamese coaches who are teaching in person know what to focus on to help the kids improve.  You will also create short clips demonstrating the games and activities for class.  You will explain the activities during your live meetings with your Vietnamese partners in the evening, but we have found that it is very helpful for them to be able to visualize the games you have prepared.  Trying to follow a purely verbal description of a drill is challenging, particularly in one's second language, with many technical sports terms that are not typically taught in English courses. 

The volleyball and soccer clips below were created by Duke and Stanford student-athletes with the assistance of their Vietnamese counterparts, who volunteered to take part in a trial run of each of the Summer 2021 program components which we carried out in January. 

Soccer - The Basics
Soccer - Warm Ups
Soccer - Shooting
Volleyball - Bumping
Volleyball - Set and Bump Practice
Volleyball - Serving
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