Postgraduate Scholarships and Service Fellowships
While the central focus of Coach for College is making a lasting impact on lives of the kids we serve, a main goal is also to contribute towards the growth of the college students who join. Our aspiration is that their experience with CFC have a genuine influence as they continue to develop into quality individuals of depth and integrity, who will keep making a positive difference in the world around them, wherever life takes them.
Many of our alums go on to serve as doctors, teachers, counselors and coaches, and most find ways to actively contribute to the community around them, no matter their daytime job. We are deeply proud of their heart and service.
We cannot represent each of the many worthwhile endeavors our alums have embarked on, however here we feature some of the distinguished fellowships and scholarships they have been awarded.
We showcase top athletic achievements here.

Basketball - Harvard CFC '23
Lindsey Lawson

Peace Corps - Peru, 2024

Track & Field - Princeton CFC '19
Luisa Chantler Edmond

Princeton in Asia - Sri Lanka, 2023

Tân Tạo University CFC '17, '18, '21 & '22
Huỳnh Châu

Fulbright Teaching Fellow - UC Santa Barbara, 2022

Fencing - Duke CFC '18
Eoin Gronningsater

Teach For America - New York, 2020
NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship - 2020

Volleyball - Iowa CFC '18
Molly Kelly

GirlSportWorks - Peru, 2019

Lacrosse - Louisville CFC '17
Elise Koehl

Peace Corps - Botswana, 2019

Swimming - Harvard CFC '17
Daniel Chang

Booth Fellow - Mexico, 2020

Volleyball - Princeton CFC '17
Cara Mattaliano

Teach For America - Illinois, 2018

Track & Field - Stanford CFC '16, '17 & '21
Rachel Reichenbach

Fulbright Scholar - Vietnam, 2019

Soccer - Mount Holyoke CFC '16
Liz Rose

Americorps-Teach For America - Massachusetts, 2019

Soccer - Harvard CFC '15
Alika Keene

GirlSportWorks - Peru, 2016

Swimming - Pitt CFC '14
Lauren Mills

Fulbright Scholar - Spain, 2015

Field Hockey - Louisville CFC '14
Michelle Amon

Teach For America - Colorado 2015

Ice Hockey - Harvard CFC '14
Mike Seward

Byers Scholar - 2018
NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship - 2018

U. of Soc. Sci. & Humanities CFC '13 & '16
Thảo Phan

Teach For Vietnam - Quảng Nam, 2019

Rowing - Duke CFC '12
Lauren Lashmet

Teach For America - Illinois, 2014

Cross Country - Virginia Tech CFC '11
Devin Cornwall

Americorps - Colorado, 2011

Track & Field - Florida State CFC '11
Erin Fabrizio

Bridge2Rwanda - Rwanda, 2015

Swimming - UNC CFC '09
Andy Brake

Peace Corps - Liberia, 2010

Tennis - Duke CFC founder '08
Parker Goyer

Rhodes Scholar - United Kingdom, 2009

Track, Rowing - Harvard CFC '19
Meimei Weston

Booth Fellowship - Norway, 2024

Rowing - Mount Holyoke CFC '23
Piper LaPointe

City Year (Americorps) - Boston, 2023
Teach For America - Western Massachusetts, 2024

Rugby - Harvard CFC '19
Justina Hewitt

Harvard Teacher Fellow - Massachusetts, 2020

Fencing - Harvard CFC '18
Sharon Ra

Teach For America - Rhode Island, 2019

Swimming - Duke CFC '18
Alyssa Marsh

Teach For America - Louisiana, 2020

Volleyball - Harvard CFC '17
Grace Roberts Burbank

Rockefeller Fellow - Italy, 2020

U. of Soc. Sci. & Humanities CFC '17
Buddy Phạm Nguyễn

Teach for Vietnam - Quảng Nam, 2022

Tennis - Harvard CFC '17
Isabel Jasper

Teach For America - New York, 2019

Wrestling - Harvard CFC '16
Henry Cousins

Gates Cambridge Scholar - UK, 2017
Knight-Hennessy Scholar - Stanford, 2019

KAIST CFC '15 - '19
Oanh Nguyễn

Lee Foundation Scholar (NUS) - Singapore, 2017
KAIST Scholar - Korea, 2012

Track & Field - Duke CFC '14 & '16
Connor Hall

Peace Corps - Swaziland, 2017

Nordic Skiing - Harvard CFC '14
Maile Sapp

Americorps - Massachusetts, 2017

Rowing - UVA CFC '14
Marissa Garey

Teach For America - New York, 2017

Cần Thơ University CFC '13 - '16
Luân Nguyễn

Chevening Scholar - United Kingdom, 2016

Diving - Pitt CFC '13
Alec Sheaffer

Teach For America - Oklahoma, 2015

Swimming - Duke CFC '11 & '13
Haley Read

Princeton in Asia - Thailand, 2014

Rowing - UVA CFC '11
Betsy Nilan

UK Teaching Fellowship - United Kingdom, 2013

Cần Thơ University CFC '10 - '14
Ái Tâm Lê Phạm

Erasmus Mundus Scholar - Spain, Norway, 2015

Rowing - UNC CFC '09
Kelsey Grich

Teach for America - New York, 2011