My advice about the program is to do it. I think everyone should have an experience like this and Coach for College was one of my all-time favorite experiences.
Danielle Sawtelle
Princeton Rowing

We developed a deep bond that has not left, even though our program ended over two years ago. In the 28 months since the program has ended, I have seen each of the American members of my group. I have been to Virginia Tech for a soccer game, Duke for a field hockey game and UNC for tennis matches and fencing meets.
Alex Kenley
UNC Diving

Out of all my international experiences, CFC was certainly the most rewarding and impactful and I am looking forward to keeping up with the growth of the program and possibly contributing again in the future.
Kelly McGrath
Boston College Swimming

This time four years ago I was in a country on the other side of the world, alongside a group of people I had never met before. Beyond thankful for this opportunity.
I learned to be more thankful for what I have, I'm more independent than I previously thought. There are so many places left for me to see. Submerging yourself into other cultures is necessary, and these people will always have a special place in my heart.
Morgan Hert
Clemson Soccer

The past 3 weeks were an experience of a lifetime for me. I was taken out of my comfort zone and had to adapt to a new, and very foreign environment.
Whether it be a Vietnamese word, something about their culture, or just watching their interactions with one another, I learned just as much from the kids, or more, as I taught them.
I developed special bonds and memories with the kids, coaches, directors that I will never forget.
Kolbi Brown
Harvard Football

CFC has completely changed my life. I don't think a day goes by where I don't find a reason to bring up Vietnam in conversation.
Meg Ellis
Rhode Island Rowing

Vietnamese children have participated in Coach for College

US student-athletes have joined forces with Coach for College

Vietnamese college students have taught alongside US participants